Integrating Engineering Design
The mission of the Integrated Engineering Design program is to increase the number of horizontal and vertical design interactions for Tickle College of Engineering undergraduates. Horizontal interactions will allow students across the University of Tennessee to collaborate in interdisciplinary courses on authentic design challenges. Vertical interactions will provide opportunities for seniors to first-year students within their own discipline to work together on real-world design problems.
For Students
Senior design is the capstone experience for engineering students. These projects provide a comprehensive, team-oriented, design experience in which students apply their acquired knowledge and skills toward the solution of an actual problem faced by a community, agency or corporation. TCE students have the option of participating in the senior design course sequence in their home department or applying for an interdisciplinary senior design course sequence provided by the TCE Integrated Engineering Design Program.
For Sponsors
Our senior engineering students can be a tremendous advantage to you and your organization. Discover how you can help shape the engineers of the future and accomplish important design projects. This is only the beginning of the impact these students will be able to have. The Tickle College of Engineering provides opportunities for corporations and agencies to sponsor design projects aligned either with individual engineering departments, or interdisciplinary projects that include students from engineering and business.